gypsie M/C


All options support “RACING IS LIFE” JACKPINE GYPSIES M/C Youth & Amateur Racing. See options below.



Associate Membership is open to those 18 years or older. Associate Members may not vote at meetings or elections. Annual Membership fee shall be $99. The Associate Member shall receive a T-shirt and a card, which will admit one to all Jackpine Gypsies events during the current year including the Rally


We are always looking for people who would like to volunteer their time and talents in trade for membership benefits and privileges, for example free entry into events or track riding. Associate Support Membership is open to those 18 years or older. Associate Members may not vote at meetings or elections. Annual Membership shall be based on a case by case basis depending on type of support offered by applicant (financial support, expertise, helping at event, etc.). The Associate Member shall receive a T-shirt and a card. Benefits and privileges shall be based on a case by case basis depending on type of support offered and benefits and privileges desired by applicant.



All new members to the Club shall become Prospective Members until the end of their first year, i.e., one year from the date the application was accepted. Applications will be accepted from the May meeting through the October meeting. Prospective Members may not vote in meetings or elections.

Prospective Members shall pay a membership fee of $100 for the first year. In addition, Prospective members will be required to earn 1,250 deferred duty points each year, and will not be allowed to carry any surplus points over to subsequent years. The 1,250 points shall be determined effective October 1, through September 30, of each fiscal year. After the first year, Prospective Members who do not become Full Active Voting Members, shall pay a membership fee of $25 per year, but shall still be required to obtain 1,250 deferred duty points each year. In the event the 1,250 points are not achieved by a Prospective Member, absent extenuating circumstance beyond the control of the Prospective Member in the sole opinion of the Board, the Prospective Member will be terminated from membership. Points will be earned by participating in Club events and scheduled Club work days. Each event or work day is worth 100 points. Each meeting attended by a Prospective Member is worth 10 points. Prospective Members will be required to clock in and out with a timecard at the Club’s time clock, and have the event director, or committee leader sign, date and verify the event or day of work to receive credit.

In order to become a Full Active Voting Member with the above conditions being met, the Prospective Member will be nominated by a nominating committee of five Full Active Voting Members and/or Life Members, appointed by the Club President, and confirmed by the Club Board. Eligibility for Full Active Voting Membership requires demonstrated outstanding service and/or actions performed for the Club, in the opinion of the Board, and by fulfilling their assigned duties as a Prospective Member. Each year, no more than ten Prospective Members can be nominated. The nominations will then be voted on for Full Active Voting Member status by all Full Active Voting Members attending the Annual October Meeting. The Full Active Voting Members in attendance must approve the nomination unanimously; however, abstention will be counted as a vote to induct. Said induction will occur at the Annual Club Awards Banquet in January. PROSPECTIVE FULL MEMBERS in good standing are eligible for all membership benefits and privileges, for example free entry into events or track riding. benefits and privileges desired by applicant.

For more information or to Join Reach out to us

(605) 347-6022